Welcome fellow Esties!

Let’s make 2023 your best year ever.

The Ins and Outs of Anti-Aging Massage

 Learn to reduce tension and plump the skin like a pro! 

Want an Inside Look into an Anti-Aging Massage?

As an anti-aging esthetician with over 20 years of experience, one of the most common questions fellow Esties ask me is how I customize facials for a client's age-related skin concerns. Well, I'd rather show you than tell you… so I have an entire video series!

Up First, Enzyme Exfoliator and FCM!

My client for this two-part series, Amy, is 50 years old and holds a lot of tension around her eye area and chin. To reduce that tension — as well as plump the skin — we applied an enzyme exfoliator and performed a Facial Contouring Massage (FCM) with no devices.

Watch the massage in action here!